From Jeju City & Airport
1-3 Pax Normal TAXI
230,000 KRW (9hours) 4-10 Pax Mini VAN
260,000 KRW(9hours)
230,000 KRW (9hours) 4-10 Pax Mini VAN
260,000 KRW(9hours)
If you want to travel from East to South and West in a day extra 50,000KRW needed. Only 1day tour course East OR Only 1day tour course West&South
* Use time: Start at 8:00 ~ 10AM - End at 5:00 ~ 7:00PM
Extra hour:30.000KRW per hour
(Included driver, petrol, parkingfee, insurance)
Complete the following and submit it。
Direct booking after adding contacts。